Friday, May 1, 2009

Collisions, Crashes and Catastrophes

Problems sometimes arise when sailing boats. They are sometimes avoidable and sometimes not. When avoidable, please do so. When not avoidable, good luck; and hope it wasn’t you fault. If insured, good. If not, have a nice day; but first transfer your bank account to your wife’s name (aaand.. good luck with that).

If you, as a member of the Convair Sailing Club, have one of the above in a Club boat, please advise the Board of Directors (read Commodore) as soon as possible. Further instructions are in the By Laws or Handbook and in the little booklet that is available from the Coast Guard or the Harbor Police called ABCs of the California Boating Law.

Classroom 01

New members, don't forget that Monday, May 4th is your first classroom session.  Hope to see everyone there.

Welcome Aboard!!

Welcome to the official launch of the Convair Sailing Club blog.  Members please feel free to post anything related to Convair Sailing Club or sailing in general.

Happy blogging.