Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dockmaster Signups 2010

The Dockmaster program was created to help preclude damage to the club boats; primarily on docking and mostly during the weekend daylight hours. The dockmaster is responsible for maintaining order at the boat docks and to ensure safe and club approved operations are followed. The Dockmasters are comprised of club members, assigned via an alphabetical sequence of names from the club roster, with a morning and an afternoon session for every Saturday and Sunday of the year.

However, we have had a recurring problem during the first 3 months of the year. You see, every January, we have a membership renewal night, but in order for the club to continue to provide the Dockmaster service into the new year, we have had to schedule the current members in advance of the upcoming year's renewals. However, when a current member doesn't renew, like when they move away or they buy their own boat or even due to financial reasons, the club is faced with a situation where the Dockmaster slot is left open and no Dockmaster is available to help the sailors at the docks. Also, if everyone who is going to renew, actually does renew in January, that would be fine, but that also doesn't happen. It usually takes a few months for the membership roster to stabilize, typically around March.

This year, a new signup program was implemented on a trial basis to address this problem. Every club member was offered the opportunity to sign up online for the session(s) of their choice and as an extra incentive, if a club member performed 2 sessions, they would be exempt from any further dockmaster sessions for the year. In addition, club members receive a $15 credit to their sailing account that can be used to pay for more sailing time and 2 sessions would be an additional $30 to go sailing! This new program essentially enabled the members to take upon themselves, the responsibility of being a Dockmaster and at the same time, ensured that each dockmaster slot is covered at the first 3 months of the year. When the initial signups through March were announced, they filled up quickly, so an additional 3 months; through June were opened up and to date, all of the available dates are now filled.
From a pilot perspective, this signup program was a smashing success and we will be sure to offer it again next year! The URL to see who is signed up is as follows:

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Turnbuckle Cotter Pins Problem

The Chief of Maintenance, Brian Evans, has brought forward the fact that a number of the cotter pins that are used to secure the shroud turnbuckles are installed and turned outward such that the sail (jib, primarily) can snag and be torn from these sharp edges.  

If you see a turnbuckle and cotter pin assembly turned in such a way, bring it to the attention of the dockmaster of the day and/or record your finding into the maintenance log.  If you're mechanically inclined, you can even turn the offending turnbuckle 1/2  turn and position the cotter pin inward to avoid catching and ripping a sail. 

Vigiliance on the part of all members is crucial to preserve the life of all club equipment and is greatly appreicated.

New Port Captain - Lisa Maria Brewer

Congratulations to Lisa for becoming the CSC Port Captain.  In her new capacity, she is in charge of all Port operations, that include the proper upkeep of the dock facilities as well as the dock/boat keys.  So, if you find the dock box broken or in need of servicing, let Lisa know what is wrong.

In addition, if you find the magnetic stripe card of the dock/boat key doesn't work, she will get it replaced.  If a dock/boat key goes missing, she will notify Harbor Island West Marina (HIWM) and have the missing key be de-activated.  So, do not take a key out of the blue box and away from the marina area because it will just make the key useless.

Dockmaster Signups Extended - AGAIN!!!

The Dockmaster Signups have been a smashing success and many members have signed up to do these events.  A hearty thanks for all that signed up so far.  

These members are not only helping out the club, but also they gain additional sailing credit, so they get to do much more sailing and not have to pay a penny for doing so.  Incidentally, the benefit of signing up and doing 2 sessions equates to them having completed their DM duty for the rest of the year, which has some members even doing a double shift (AM and PM) on the same day to "get'er done".

Therefore, if you missed the boat the first time, here's your final chance to sign up and still get the benefits offered.  There are open slots  in April, May and June, and this will absolutely be your last opportunity to sign up.  After June, the remainder of all qualified members (that have not already done 2 sessions) will be sequenced in alphabetical sequence to finish out the rest of the year.

Keep in mind that the Dockmaster signups are open to ALL current 2010 club members and you will receive a $15 sailing credit for each session performed ($30 for both sessions).  Go to the following online website, scroll down past January through March and sign up.... do it now, before time runs out.....


CSC Chief Dockmaster