However, we have had a recurring problem during the first 3 months of the year. You see, every January, we have a membership renewal night, but in order for the club to continue to provide the Dockmaster service into the new year, we have had to schedule the current members in advance of the upcoming year's renewals. However, when a current member doesn't renew, like when they move away or they buy their own boat or even due to financial reasons, the club is faced with a situation where the Dockmaster slot is left open and no Dockmaster is available to help the sailors at the docks. Also, if everyone who is going to renew, actually does renew in January, that would be fine, but that also doesn't happen. It usually takes a few months for the membership roster to stabilize, typically around March.
This year, a new signup program was implemented on a trial basis to address this problem. Every club member was offered the opportunity to sign up online for the session(s) of their choice and as an extra incentive, if a club member performed 2 sessions, they would be exempt from any further dockmaster sessions for the year. In addition, club members receive a $15 credit to their sailing account that can be used to pay for more sailing time and 2 sessions would be an additional $30 to go sailing! This new program essentially enabled the members to take upon themselves, the responsibility of being a Dockmaster and at the same time, ensured that each dockmaster slot is covered at the first 3 months of the year. When the initial signups through March were announced, they filled up quickly, so an additional 3 months; through June were opened up and to date, all of the available dates are now filled.